Happy First Week of Advent!
Only two more weeks, folks! Time flies when you're having fun and we are having it in abundance! A couple of notes to start your week...
Thank you to everyone who came out (or ordered online) this weekend to support our students and the book fair at Barnes & Noble!
Please keep one of our school families in your prayers as they grieve the loss of a loved one.
My apologies due to the lack of communication surrounding last Friday's Pep Rally. We will make sure that the next one is advertised well in advance so parents/friends can attend!
We will be collecting donations of canned/non-perishable goods and personal care items for our parish food pantry if you'd like to send them in throughout the week! This will be our last chance to "stock" the pantry until after Christmas.
If your child is sick, please send a message to the School Nurse, Erica Rucci, so we can be proactive in our approach to keeping everyone safe and healthy!
Struggling with some gift ideas for your child (or maybe even yourself)? How about some of our new St. Anthony Merch? Check it out here. Orders will be taken through January 1 and there will be a few weeks turnaround time for delivery.
Please take a look at the below calendar dates and reminders. There are alot of things coming up between now and December 15, so please take note and set reminders!
Monday, 12/4: Class Picture Day/Student Retakes (All students must be in Mass Uniform)
Wednesday, 12/6: Feast Day of St. Nicholas All School Mass @ 11am (Mass attire required) Assistant Superintendent visits campus - Afternoon
Thursday, 12/7: Title I Parent Workshop - 8:15am (Title I Room)
Friday, 12/8: Donuts with Dads n Dudes, 8am (Gym) RSVP Here by Tuesday, 12/5
Looking Ahead
12/11-12/12: Christmas Market is Back! Students will be able to shop for parents, siblings, and extended family (limit 8) for just $.25 an item.
Tuesday, 12/12: Christmas Carol Production- 6pm showtime for family/friends (Gym)
Wednesday, 12/13: Author/Illustrator, Samantha Bell, visits classes through the day with Mrs. Weaver
Thursday, 12/14: Lidz for Kidz Christmas Hat Fundraiser- $1 Everyone is invited to wear their favorite Santa hat, reindeer antlers, etc. for a $1 donation to be given to fund Children's Cancer Research.
Friday, 12/15: Christmas Program - 10am (Gym)
Early Dismissal - 12:00pm (No Late Stay)