Application Process
All Grade Levels
Once you have made an inquiry, toured the school, and finished your family interview, you are welcome to begin the Application process. All students must complete the Application Process in the FACTS Family Portal. To prepare for this process you should have the following documents ready to upload.
Birth Certificate
Official Immunization Record
Social Security Card
Report Card from Previous School (If Applicable)
Baptismal Certificate (If Catholic)
Parenting Plan/Guardian Documents (If Applicable)
K3 & K4
Your child must be 3 years old prior to September 1st of the given school year (each grade follows the same moving forward).
Your child must be fully potty-trained and able to toilet themselves independently.
In addition to the above documentation and online application, those families who are seeking to enroll a K3 and/or K4 student need to complete a paper application (attached below).
Once you have submitted the online application form and documentation through the FACTS Family Portal, the admissions team will review the information you provide and make a determination for acceptance. If it is found that additional information is necessary, a member of the team will reach out to you. An official acceptance letter will arrive in your email with the next steps to complete the process.
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School admits students of any race, religion, and national and ethnic origin. The extent to which a student may prosper academically, as well as develop as a citizen of the school community, is the fundamental issue that is considered in the evaluation of an applicant for admission. The admission process seeks to determine the match between the applicant and the St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School community.
Candidates for admission to St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School and their families must be willing to commit to the philosophy of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School and to the Christian values it upholds, including cooperation, service, prayer, and worship. Candidates who are admitted to St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School must continue their personal, religious, and academic growth in a manner that bears witness to the school’s philosophy.
Applications for all grades are subject to the review and recommendation of the St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School Admissions Committee. Every student must possess the educational background necessary to reach his or her fullest potential in order to be admitted. Students with serious disciplinary issues or poor academic performance will not be offered admission.
It is the parents’ responsibility to provide documentation and information to the Principal, prior to registration, regarding personal conditions, which may require special services by the school. In these cases, each situation will be evaluated from these two perspectives: the educational standards of the school and the school’s financial ability to provide the service. Any legal custody issues must be provided to the school in writing.