Student Life
While it's true that the majority of our students' day is spent in a classroom setting, there are opportunities throughout the week, during and after school, when more experiential learning takes place.
As we seek to educate the whole child, these added experiences provide opportunities for collaboration, self-discovery, and the development of life skills.
Extended Day Program
A regular school day at St. Anthony's runs from 8 AM to 3 PM.
There are options for parents to drop students off beginning at 7 AM in the upper lot behind the school building. Students report directly to the gym at this time.
Late stay is provided from 3:30-6 PM each day for students who choose to participate in afterschool clubs, tutoring, or who need a safe place to stay until they are picked up.
There is a fee of $12/day for use of this program. ABC vouchers can also be applied for this service.
Related Arts
Each day, all students at St. Anthony of Padua participates in a related arts special class. Those classes include the following:
Physical Education (2x per week)
These classes are designed to engage students in a more physical nature while at the same time fostering those gifts that might not be recognized or currently developed.
We provide a variety of afterschool clubs that our students can choose to participate. We currently offer the following:
Boys Club
Girls Club
Chess Club
Cooking Club
Book Club